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Rickerl - Music is at most a hobby

Ri­ckerl - Mu­sic is at most a hob­by

Wednesday, 7. August 2024

Belladonna – Frauen und Kultur e.V., Konstanz

  • Film

Austrian director and screenwriter Adrian Goiginger stages a melancholic and emotional comedy full of music, passion and hearty pub humor.

German OV with German subtitles
AUT/DEU 2023 | 104 MIN. | FSK 12

The pubs in Vienna's working-class district are Erich "Rickerl" Bohacek's living room and stage: every evening, in cigarette smoke, he plays his way into the hearts of those who hang out there every night anyway for pocket money. But instead of finally recording his first record, the bon vivant makes ends meet with odd jobs - as a gravedigger, sex shop employee and wedding singer.

With RICKERL, Austrian director and screenwriter Adrian Goiginger stages a comedy that is as melancholic as it is emotional, full of music, passion and hearty pub banter. Austrian singer-songwriter Voodoo Jürgens, whose songs are closely interwoven into the plot, gives Rickerl a musical soul in his first leading role.


There will be a short break in the middle of the film, during which guests can refill their drinks in the canteen.

In the event of a bad weather, the performance will unfortunately have to be cancelled. At 6 p.m. on the respective evening, a decision will be made as to whether the event will take place. If necessary, this will be announced on the homepage and via social media. If necessary, alternative dates will be announced.

Source: - the culture portal for Thurgau, with dates, topics & people who are worth talking about.


Information about the event

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All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.
