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General Terms and Conditions Hinto (AGB)

Scope / General

Hinto's offering is global in scope. The present general terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as GTC) shall apply to all all services provided by Hinto. They shall form an integral integral part of all agreements concluded with Hinto. The GTC shall automatically become legally binding upon the conclusion of business business activities between the customer and Hinto.

Data protection

The valid data protection guidelines can be seen in the Data protection declaration.

The data on are compiled to the best of our knowledge, revised and kept up to date. Hinto assumes no responsibility and gives no guarantee for its availability, correctness, accuracy, completeness and legality. It guarantees these properties neither explicitly nor implicitly.
Hinto accepts no liability for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use or the use or non-availability of data in/from Without prior written permission of Hinto (, no data may be reproduced reproduced, duplicated or otherwise disseminated without the prior written otherwise.

Services with costs

In order to provide chargeable services, Hinto will request additional data, such as payment details, in order to be able to execute your order or your order. Hinto stores this data in the systems until the legal retention periods have expired.


Terms of payment

All invoices are payable without any deduction 30 days from the date of invoice. 90 days after the expiration of the payment period Hinto is entitled to assign the outstanding debt to a collection agency.

Right of withdrawal

There is no right of withdrawal from placed orders. Non-accepted or incorrect order confirmations shall be reported to Hinto within 5 working days of receipt, otherwise they shall be deemed to have been definitively accepted. Events which decisively change the business basis of the contract, in whole or in part, may affect the customer, Hinto or their suppliers, shall entitle Hinto to adjust the contract in whole or in part to the changed circumstances, excluding any claims for compensation.

Claim for damages

Due to lack of availability, correctness, accuracy, completeness or legality, no claims for claims for damages can be asserted against Hinto.

Amendment of the GTC

Changes to the GTC can be made at any time and without information. without information. The GTC on this website ( are authoritative.

Place of jurisdiction

All disputes shall be settled by the ordinary courts at the seat of the Hinto association. Swiss law is exclusively applicable Swiss law shall be applicable, to the exclusion of conflict-of-law rules.

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