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Slippery Slope – fast ein Musical

Slip­pe­ry Slo­pe – fast ein Mu­si­cal

Tuesday, 2. July 2024

Belladonna – Frauen und Kultur e.V., Konstanz

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by Yael Ronen and Shlomi Shaban with music by Shlomi Shaban Yaniv Fridel and Ofer Shabi additional lyrics by Itai Reicher and Riah Knight Translation into German by Irina SzodruchDirection: Cecilia Amann Gustav - a singer in his 50s celebrates his comeback, Klara - his wife, editor-in-chief of an important newspaper who uses her power to raise important awareness, Sky - a newcomer celebrated on social media who has to assert herself in the shark tank of the new-found public, Stanka - an idealistic journalist who fights for justice and truth, Debbi - a young porn artist who tries to free herself from the role of victim with the role of her life, Kahn - a crisis manager, the right address when there's a fire somewhere: cancel culture, intrigue and abuse of power. "Slippery Slope ~ almost a musical", written by Yael Ronen, Shlomi Shaban, Riah May Knight and Itai Reicher deals with the dark side of the culture and media industry. What is allowed? What is the truth? Who has no dirt on their hands? The story centers on the Swedish singer Gustav and his former lover Sky. One is attempting a comeback in his mid-fifties, while she seems to have reached the peak of her creativity. The fact that Gustav doesn't want to accept this, after having supported Sky so much, is unfortunately the logical consequence. The roles seem clearly assigned, so is everything boring? So much for you to look forward to (almost) high musical art and undiscovered secrets from (almost) every person. Come along, we're looking forward to it too! So who used whom in this story, was it really about love and the search for the truth or always just about fame and power? What was emancipatory appropriation, what was exploitative expropriation, and where exactly is the line drawn? Who benefits most from which narrative - and whose story ultimately prevails? Do facts even matter anymore? Participants: UTK, StuVe, KULA, Kultur Sommer Konstanz, City of Konstanz, JuZeThe discount applies to schoolchildren, trainees, students, and volunteers.Disabled people with a B on their ID require a regular ticket; the accompanying person receives free admission. Please register in advance at


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