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Stefan Waghubinger – Have I already told you this?

Ste­fan Waghu­bin­ger – Ha­ve I al­re­a­dy told you this?

Wednesday, 7. August 2024

Tourist-Service, Stein am Rhein

  • Stage

Stefan Waghubinger impresses with his deliberate understatement and subtle wordplay: sarcasm to the full.

When someone fails in thoughts, words and works as spectacularly and comically as Waghubinger, all he can do is keep getting up, pulling himself together and sitting down on the bar stool. Since he has never really succeeded in planning for the future, this time he looks back and a little to the side. The best stories for which we love this fictional character are told again and combined with new anecdotes and attempts at explanation to create a rollercoaster of emotions. The famous mirror that he holds up this time is a rear-view mirror that broke off while parking, and anyone who wants to can see themselves, the world or simply another Waghubinger in it. Philosophical grumbling and loving meanness. Source: - the culture portal for Thurgau, with dates, topics & people who give people something to talk about.


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