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Einzig und dr Andr – Songs and stories from the province

Ein­zig und dr An­dr – Songs and sto­ries from the pro­vin­ce

Th. 8. August - Fr. 9. August 2024

Tourist-Service, Stein am Rhein

  • Sounds

The offbeat trio is an incredibly entertaining and entertaining affair. "Ürnertyy" songs about a fading youth in the provinces.

There are three guys on the stage who play very small string instruments. Their attitude seems a bit shabby. Their songs convey the image of a world that has remained fairly intact. Sometimes they hurt your heart, sometimes you are embarrassed. Most of the time they seem cheerful and lyyslig and maintain a romantic idea of love in a fairy-light aesthetic.

Despite the self-declaration as a largely unsuccessful trio, something like rock'n'roll occasionally breaks out of them as a microaggression - as a slightly ironic counterpart to the great sentimentality.

The only ones and the others are the three Urner musicians Livio Baldelli (mandolin, banjo, guitar), Benno Muheim (double bass, ukulele, stories) and Matteo Schenardi (percussion, guitar, trumpet). They have been maturing for years with their Urnertyy songs about a fading youth in the provinces - and touch with narrative concerts. - the culture portal for Thurgau, with dates, topics & people who give food for thought.


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