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Zizi Zozio of MARVIN M’TOUMO

Zi­zi Zo­zio of MAR­VIN M’TO­U­MO

Wednesday, 3. July 2024

Belluard Bollwerk, Fribourg

Zizi Zozio is a poem sung by the singer. where the multiple voices of a sexuality intertwine in a single language. impeded, of a divided family and of an impossibility of of love.

Between words said, sung, whistled, warbled, whispered, narrated, shouted and grunted, a narrator, “ the zizi zozio », recounts his lament.

This romantic poem continues the journey already underway. committed by Marvin M’toumo in Competition of Tears and Rectum Crocodile with this time the unique presence of the artist on stage and writing with more autobiographical accents.


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