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Veri Review 2024

Ve­ri Re­view 2024

Wednesday, 18. December 2024

La Cappella, Bern

  • Stage

A cabaret summary

For the eighteenth time, Veri looks back on the misery of the past year in his typical cabaret style. A year in which people were once again lied to, saying that the Olympic Games were sustainable, that the powerful were united and that politicians were incorruptible. A year in which people believed all this rubbish, trusted artificial intelligence more than their own and were persuaded that a new refrigerator would save electricity. A year in which everything was different again, but nothing was better. A year to forget, really. If it wasn't funny. Veri writes, takes stock and comments. Not always politically correct, but funny and to the point. The artist Thomas Lötscher was born on a hot summer day during the Cold War in 1960 in Entlebuch. For the midwife he was just a little boy, for the statistics a baby boomer. Despite the trauma of his recorder lessons, he later obtained several diplomas: crafts, trade, business informatics, organization and cultural management. As a self-employed management consultant, he came to the realization that the transition from an internal bank project meeting to cabaret is fluid. Opinions on Veri "The finest social cabaret" was the headline in the Süddeutsche Zeitung. "Authentic, cheeky and quick-witted" was the summary in the Obwaldner Zeitung. On the occasion of his nomination for the Swiss Comedy Award, Swiss television wrote that "Veri dissects social and political trends in an inimitably accurate manner." When he won the Reinheimer Satirelöwe, the jury praised him as a "master of the quiet punch line." And because he was "topical, intelligent and profound," he was also awarded the Silver Tuttlinger Krähe. The awards

Nomination for the Swiss Comedy Award 2023 (television SRF1 CH)

Jury Prize Reinheimer Satirelöwe of the City of Reinheim (Reinheim D)

Silver Crow Cabaret Prize of the City of Tuttlingen (Tuttlingen D)

Jury and Audience Prize Lower Bavarian Cabaret Prize (Altdorf D)

Jury Award Third Place Cabaret Prize Krefelder Krähe (Krefeld D)

Audience Prize Competition Die Krönung (Burgdorf CH)

Jury and Audience Prize Paulaner Solo Cabaret Prize (Fürstenfeldbruck D)

Jury and Audience Prize Freistädter Frischling Cabaret Festival (Freistadt A)

Audience Prize International Cabaret Prize Herkules (Klagenfurt A)


Information about the event

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