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Toto's Jokes 2

To­to's Jo­kes 2

Monday, 29. July 2024

Cinéma Plein Air, Rolle

  • Film

Toto and his classmates go to the countryside. While the other students get to know life on the farm, it's the perfect opportunity for Toto to come up with new pranks and have crazy adventures. The farmers they stay with seem a bit shady and there's rumors that a ghost is haunting the area.
Director: Pascal Bourdiaux
Film genre: Comedy
Access age / Recommended age: 8 (8)
Country of production: France (2023)
Duration: 84'
Cast: Barbara Bolotner, Pauline Clément, Guillaume de Tonquédec, Valérie Karsenti, Nicolas Lumbreras, Anne Marivin


Information about the event

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