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Theatre of Voices (DK)

Thea­t­re of Voices (DK)

Thursday, 4. July 2024

Eglise du Collège St-Michel, Fribourg

  • Sounds

Renaissance and Contemporary

«Songs of the Earth» - Byrd, Gibbons, Janequin, Monteverdi, Wilbye, Tavener, Pärt, Rehnqvist

Following the route that has taken the ensemble since its founding in 1990 from London via Berlin and the United States to Copenhagen, its current home, Theatre of Voices and its legendary conductor Paul Hillier invite us on a journey through the «Songs of the Earth». The a cappella tour takes us from the contemporary Swede Karin Rehnqvist to the heart of Tudor England and further into the imaginative world of Clément Janequin (later responded to by Orlando Gibbons with his «Cries of London», a delicious imitation of the market criers on the banks of the Thames), to then mourn the far too early death of the singer Caterina Martinelli, the creator of his Arianna, with Claudio Monteverdi in madrigal style, and finally to find our time again with pieces by John Tavener, Arvo Pärt and a second «Song of the Earth» by Karin Rehnqvist as the crowning conclusion - Return to the roots, home.

Paul Hillier, conductor

Else Torp, Kate Macoboy, soprano

Laura Lamph, alto

Paul Bentley-Angell, Jakob Skjoldborg, tenor

William Gaunt, bass


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