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SRF info: Reporter

SRF in­fo: Re­por­ter

Saturday, 13. July 2024

Kilian – A childhood with ADHD (2020, Switzerland, Michèle Sauvain)

As an eight-year-old, Kilian was a delicate, lovable and very curious boy, but he always overshot the mark. His mother knew no different: Even as a toddler, Kilian was always a nuisance, and classic playground situations always ended in drama. It was no different at school: Kilian couldn't get along with his classmates and couldn't keep up with the school material, was nervous and fidgety, and all this despite high doses of Ritalin. Kilian wanted to do everything well and correctly, but everything still went wrong.

Five years later, author Michèle Sauvain meets Kilian again. His life has been anything but easy. He has changed schools several times, was even thrown out of a special school, and has large gaps in his school material. He is now supposed to tackle the senior year at a private school for children with problems and deal with career choices. But it's as if by magic: immediately after starting school, there are arguments with his new classmates again. Kilian is expelled from school again. Five months of homeschooling follow, during which his mother desperately searches for a follow-up solution and tries to get the IV and the school authorities to cover the costs. Kilian falls into a deep hole.

In autumn 2020, Kilian is 18 years old. He has somewhat recovered and has had three relatively quiet years in a private special school. Because he has not yet found an apprenticeship, his mother has enrolled him for a 10th grade year. But there he stumbles upon his old problem again, there is an immediate argument with his new classmates and Kilian drops out of school.

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