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Saso Avsenik & seine Oberkrainer

Sa­so Av­se­nik & sei­ne Ober­krai­ner

Sunday, 15. December 2024

Kulturzentrum Braui, Hochdorf

Big hits and evergreens!

Slavko Avsenik invented the popular Oberkrainer sound in the middle of the last century and wrote music history with unforgettable evergreens. The thoroughbred musician Saso Avsenik is now carrying on his grandfather's great musical legacy and will provide a fireworks display in Switzerland in December 2024. Countless melodies from Slavko Avsenik's inexhaustible treasure trove of songs have become evergreens of folk music. First and foremost "The Trumpet Echo", one of the most frequently performed instrumental pieces in German-speaking countries for decades and the theme tune of the legendary "Musikantenstadl", but also "On the Autobahn", "It's so nice to be a musician", "Slovene Farmer's Dance", “Behind the Chicken Coop” and many other well-known pieces still bring back fond memories to this day. The musical triumph of the “Original Oberkrainer” lasted almost half a century until the group withdrew from active stage action in the 1990s. But the history of the Oberkrainer sound is far from finished: Saso Avsenik followed in his grandfather's footsteps and continues the musical legacy in his own personal way: sympathetic, authentic and full of tradition. Big hits and evergreens guarantee an emotional, Christmassy fireworks display at four concerts in Switzerland in December 2024 that will make the hearts of not only die-hard Oberkrainer fans beat faster.


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