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Pedro Lenz & Simon Ho Zärtlechi Tongue

Pe­dro Lenz & Si­mon Ho Zärt­lechi Ton­gue

Thursday, 14. November 2024

La Cappella, Bern

  • Sounds
  • Stage

For a short time only, the pianist and long-time friend Simon Ho accompanies the author Pedro Lenz in his new stage project «Zärtlechi Zunge».

He starts with music, and as we walk, travel and look, Pedro Lenz then moves us in a dance-like manner to a knowing smile or childlike wonder. The simplest things, whether at the children's playground, at work, in the pub, in the car or on the train, gain poetic brilliance and philosophical depth in his observations. He speaks of birth and death, childhood and old age, love and betrayal, arguments and reconciliation and shows again and again, and above all: "something else". In the limbo between quiet sadness and liberating cheerfulness, he lets us grow to love the world with his "tender tongue" and mischievous undertones. Neither blind nor naive, but aware of our shortcomings and defects, this singer leads us from eternity in the "first mouth" to the expected and then sudden death: "To go and to cho / it should be nice to go / it's easier." For the launch of his stage program "zärtlechi Zunge" in November 2024, he will be accompanied by his long-time friend and successful theater musician Simon Ho. The pianist Ho knows how to carry Lenz's texts like few other musicians and to give the texts another voice with his versatile playing, influenced by different styles and cultures.


Information about the event

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All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.
