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One million minutes

One mil­li­on mi­nu­tes

Thursday, 8. August 2024

Dolder Sports, Zürich

  • Film

Actually, everyone knows: The really important things aren't on the stupid to-do lists. But why not? - From the outside, Vera (Karoline Herfurth) and Wolf Küper (Tom Schilling) lead a dream life with their two children Nina (Pola Friedrichs) and their one-year-old brother Simon (Piet Levi Busch): a beautiful apartment in Berlin, he is pursuing a career as a biodiversity researcher at the UN, she has a job as a civil engineer specializing in sustainability in addition to the household and children. But on closer inspection, things look very different: their marriage is in crisis and both, like most couples, are in the unfortunate dilemma of feeling like they are no longer doing justice to life when juggling everyday life. When Nina is diagnosed with a developmental delay, Wolf and Vera realize that something fundamental has to change now at the latest.
One evening as Nina is going to bed, Nina suddenly says: "Oh, Dad, I wish we had a million minutes. Only for the really nice things, you know?" The wish hits Wolf right in the heart, and suddenly he realizes that it is much more important how Nina, Vera and Simon are doing, and that every minute they spend together is more valuable than a brilliant career.
One million minutes, 694 days, almost two years. Let's go! First to Thailand, then on to Iceland. The Küpers go in search of a new, different model of life and realize every day anew: We only have every minute once.
Director: Christopher Doll
Film genre: Comedy
Admission age / Recommended age: 10
Country of production: Germany (2023)
Duration: 126'
Cast: Karoline Herfurth, Tom Schilling, Joachim Król, Ulrike Kriener, Tommi Thor Gudmundsson, Jónmundur Grétarsson


Information about the event

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All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.


Further data

Thursday 08. Aug. 24 Ab 20:30 Uhr
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Thursday 08. Aug. 24 Ab 20:30 Uhr
One million minutes
Thursday 08. Aug. 24 Ab 20:30 Uhr
One million minutes
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Thursday 08. Aug. 24 Ab 20:30 Uhr
One million minutes
Thursday 08. Aug. 24 Ab 20:30 Uhr
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Thursday 08. Aug. 24 Ab 20:30 Uhr
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