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Obwalden creates a museum

Ob­wal­den crea­tes a mu­se­um

Thursday, 14. November 2024

Historisches Museum Obwalden, Sarnen

The exhibition is based on participation and offers the people of Obwalden the opportunity to help shape the future museum.

Experience the exciting transformation of the Obwalden Museum! Under the motto “Obwalden makes a museum,” the museum focuses on greater participation and offers the general population of Obwalden the opportunity to help shape the future museum: What is an exciting museum, what can you see there and what can you do? In the former “cannon cellar” there is lively creation, discussion and presentation. Get involved and create a museum!


Information about the event

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All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.


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