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Museum at noon: Clocks from the Black Forest

Mu­se­um at noon: Clocks from the Black Fo­rest

Friday, 19. July 2024

Uhrenmuseum, Winterthur

Hardly any other clock is as diverse and imaginatively designed as the Black Forest clock. This clock, which is still well-known today, has one of the most interesting stories of its creation.

In the "Museum at Noon" series of events, Brigitte Vinzens, curator of the Winterthur Clock Museum, gives a glimpse behind the scenes on a selected Friday of the month from 12:30 to 1:00 p.m. She delves deeper into thematic focuses on selected clocks from the collections or introduces the current guest. The program with the current topics is communicated every six months.

Advance registration possible, included in the museum entrance fee of CHF 5.–/3.–.

Advance registration possible, included in the museum entrance fee of CHF 5.–/3.–.

To take part in our events, it is worth arriving at the museum early. You can also register in advance by phone on +41 52 267 51 35.

We look forward to your visit, because: A museum lives from its audience!


Information about the event

Heads Up!

All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.


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