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Men in Black

Men in Black

Friday, 9. August 2024

Cinéma Plein Air, Rolle

  • Film

New York police officer James Edwards pursues a criminal who eventually commits suicide by throwing himself off the roof of the Guggenheim Museum. This gangster was an alien. Shortly afterwards, the mysterious agent K enters Edwards' life and recruits him for the secret organization "Men in Black." What the average citizen is not allowed to know is that aliens have been living on Earth for decades, which, according to K, is something like "Casablanca without Nazis." Aliens from all parts of the galaxy can apply for asylum and find refuge on Earth. The Men in Black issue residence permits and, above all, ensure that the aliens on Earth do not misbehave too much. Aliens who immigrate illegally are deported or eliminated. A special tool for concealing their activities from people is the neuralizer, a frequently used memory eraser. After Edwards is stripped of all identification marks, he becomes Agent J and works alongside Agent K. Together they must track down a giant insect that has landed illegally on Earth, an extremely evil cockroach. The highly intelligent cockroach is looking for a mini-galaxy and is hiding in the skin of a human. The galaxy, a super energy source, was hidden by good aliens on Earth in a marble-shaped amulet. With the help of various gimmicks and futuristic weapons, J and K prevent the mini-galaxy from falling into the hands of the giant cockroach, because otherwise the whole Earth will be destroyed. In one of the last scenes of the film, K quits his job and leaves the neuralizer to J so that he can erase his memory of the MiB and aliens.
At the end of the film, the camera retreats into the sky, then further into space, past our solar system, past millions of stars. At the end you can see that our Milky Way is inside a spherical container that resembles a marble. This marble is thrown by an alien-like hand against a second marble that also contains a galaxy. Both marbles are then picked up by the hand and placed in a bag full of marbles.
Director: Barry Sonnenfeld
Film genre: Comedy Sci-Fi
Access age / Recommended age:
Country of production: USA (1997)
Duration: 98'
Cast: Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, Linda Fiorentino, Vincent D'Onofrio


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