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Mario Batkovic - Solo

Ma­rio Bat­ko­vic - So­lo

Saturday, 27. July 2024

Chornhuus, Schloss Köniz, Köniz

  • Sounds

Raiffeisen presents: OpenAir Concert
With a mix of classical and contemporary sound, composer Mario Batkovic seeks to explore the sonic possibilities of his instruments - without effects or loops, but through a symbiotic relationship between man and instrument. Challenging, hypnotic and grandiose: Batkovic's vision is unique, and he has received widespread critical acclaim, including Rolling Stone magazine, which voted his self-titled debut album into the top 10 "best avant albums of 2017".

Batkovic is an aesthete who stands out for the quality of his compositions and arrangements. Challenging, experimental and always hypnotizing, his music transcends conventional boundaries. As a composer, producer and performer, he combines various musical disciplines and takes the accordion to a new level.

Batkovic has toured the world, performing at festivals and venues such as Bushfire (South Africa), Supersonic (UK), Le Guess Who (Netherlands), Montreux Jazz Festival (Switzerland), Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Foundation Cartier (Paris) and Berghain (Berlin). He has contributed compositions to films and games including The Swallow (2016), Neighbours (2021) and Red Dead Redemption II (2018).

"Batkovic is a minimalist who conjures up mesmerising melodies and sounds"
Rolling Stone

Bar and food service from 6pm
Concert starts at 8:30pm


Information about the event

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All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.
