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Lucy & Lucky Loop: Open-air spectacle Catastrofonia

Lu­cy & Lu­cky Loop: Open-air spect­a­cle Ca­ta­stro­fo­nia

Wednesday, 4. September 2024

Petersplatz, Basel

  • Stage

The duo invites you to laugh and marvel with a variety of contemporary circus disciplines and live music.

The open-air spectacle 'Catastrofonia' takes the audience into a bizarre universe in which the two innocent characters Lucy & Lucky drive themselves into everyday disasters with their clumsiness. Humorous and intimate, they invite the audience to join in the experience.

Artists: Luzia Bonilla, Michael Kobi
Director: Delia Dahinden
Production company: Lucy & Lucky Loop, The Flying Circus
Production: Caro Wuttke
Set design: Marco Büttner


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