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Lionel human magical

Lio­nel hu­man ma­gi­cal

Saturday, 9. November 2024

La Cappella, Bern

  • Sounds
  • Stage

Do you have to be a magician to be able to do magic? No. Anyone can do magic! The only question is how well, how often and why. Lionel proves that magic is in every person because it is genetically designed that way.

The magic gene transforms you from a muggle (a person without magical abilities)
into a magician. Nature provides proof of this: you are not just female,
male or diverse - but also magical. Join the Oscar-winning Swiss magician in search of the fourth gender and travel to
your own magical self. True to the motto: I do magic, therefore I am.
(Lionel feat. Descartes).

by and with Lionel

Director: Didi Sommer

About Lionel:
Lionel's skills have already earned him a lot of international recognition: in 2021
he was the first Swiss person ever to win the Fool Us Trophy in the USA. The
award is considered the Oscar of the magic world. Lionel managed to amaze the two hosts
of the Penn & Teller show with his milk bag trick. The two American magicians simply couldn't explain how he managed to serve different drinks one after the other from one and the same bag. And then to tear it open in front of everyone - to prove that the carton wasn't fake. The whole world was amazed by this unique effect that Lionel himself had developed over the last five years. For years, the Valais native has devoted himself to human perception and the deception of one or more of our five senses. The current theater project is his fifth full-length program overall. The premiere will traditionally take place on November 1, 2024 at the Theater La Cappella in Bern, followed by a tour throughout German-speaking Switzerland.


Information about the event

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All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.
