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Further training "Media competence for volunteers"

Fur­ther trai­ning "Me­dia com­pe­tence for vol­un­te­ers"

Tuesday, 1. October 2024

Röm.-kath. Pfarreizentrum Weinfelden, Weinfelden

Do you work voluntarily with children and young people? Are digital media and their content or use an issue in your organization? This training course will give you input on how to deal with them.

Questions such as "What cell phone rules apply in my camp?", "Can I post training photos on social media channels?", "What channels do I use to communicate with children and young people?", "What attitude do I take towards digital media?" will be discussed and answered at the training course.

The event is primarily aimed at people who work with children and young people in the leisure sector, e.g. Scouts, Cevi, Jubla, trainers, camp leaders from cultural, music, leisure and sports clubs and other interested parties. In addition to a presentation by Peter Welti (media education expert), there will be plenty of room for questions and discussion.

Source: - the culture portal for Thurgau, with dates, topics & people who give people something to talk about.


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