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Film am See 2024

Film am See 2024

Thursday, 1. August 2024

Quartiertreff Rote Fabrik, Zürich

The Divine Order

Petra Volpe CH – 2017, dialect, 96 min., digital.Did you know that August 1st has only been an official holiday since 1994, following a referendum the year before? It doesn't matter if it doesn't. It is much more important to know that just over twenty years earlier, on February 7th, 1971, another, far more momentous referendum took place: a narrow majority decided to introduce women's suffrage at federal level. Instead of paying homage to a fictitious date with grilled sausages and rageetli because 700 years ago or so a few men (women weren't allowed to) promised to help each other 'in case of danger from outside', on this August 1st we would rather look back at Switzerland's recent history with a critical eye and a pinch of humor - at a moment that actually came far too late. Petra Volpe takes us into the action, to a place where at first little of the unrest surrounding the social changes of the 1968 movement is noticeable. But even in this small sleepy village there is suddenly a lot going on when protagonist Nora begins to campaign for women's suffrage. The Divine Order is the first - and so far only - Swiss feature film about women's suffrage in Switzerland. It honors the activists of that time and inspires and motivates those who are continuing this fight today.Supporting film:WallbuildingTeresa Pereira, CH - 2020, no language, 7 min., digital1st prize at the Open Screen in autumn 2023 Stop motion video animation by Teresa Pereira with inner-city blues music by Les Voda. Open-air cinema – for the 41st timeEvery Thursday, from July 4th to August 29th, 2024Film starts in July: 9.30pmFilm starts in August: 9pmFree choice of seats – collectionIn bad weather in the dry


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