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field, arable land, meadow

field, ara­ble land, mea­dow

Thursday, 18. July 2024

Open-Air Kino im Beet, Rapperswil-Jona

  • Film

"After my last film "The High Rhine", in which I dealt intensively with the nature of the Rhine stretch between Lake Constance and the Rhine Falls, the next project focuses on open spaces and their use. The new film "Field, Arable, Meadow" is all about the extremely important open spaces and the people who work with them in harmony every day. Deliberately left out of the last film, the voice of the people is very important in this film. Our consumer behavior is very closely tied to the resources available and it is not always possible to find a balanced compromise between nature and agriculture. We know that there is another way. But how?
I meet interesting people who work with nature and its open spaces every day. People who show us the means they use to reconcile our social interests and the vulnerability of nature. People who seem to take other, still relatively unknown paths and bring us a little more light into the darkness.
Hardly anyone knows exactly where our everyday food comes from. How exactly it is grown. But everyone knows that this takes away living space. But how can we reconcile our needs with nature? Where exactly is the line between compromise and exploitation? Is there even a possibility of compromise? Or is it simply impossible?"
Director: Marco Dominik Graf
Film genre: Documentary
Access age / Recommended age: 10
Country of production: Switzerland (2021)
Duration: 100'


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