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Festival Siberian Summer 2024

Fes­ti­val Si­be­ri­an Sum­mer 2024

Wednesday, 7. August 2024

Festival Siberian Summer 2024, Trogen

  • Sounds

Paska., Balaclava, Treasurer Fritz

In a small valley above Trogen, the forces of chaos are forming at this very moment into a far-reaching drumbeat of frivolous, cheeky culture of joy. You are cordially invited to the well-known valley state of little Siberia, where culture and nature will merge into the most tempting forms for the fifth time in August 2024. World-class music, a floating circus tent, dancing wildlings, food and drink await you, off the beaten festival track in a mindful, family atmosphere.
On the seventh day of the festival, vocal power is the order of the day. Paska. aka Pascale Pfeuti is an actress and musician. If you don't already know her from the St. Gallen Theater, you can experience the depth and humor of her performance in our concert. Whether in acting or music, Pascale is always experimenting at the interface of voice, language, movement and sound. Her multilingual songwriting ranges from the Swiss Alps to the Australian Ocean and with her incredibly touching voice she takes listeners on a musical journey that moves the heart and the corners of the mouth. At the Siberian Summer Festival she plays in a duo with Dušan Prusák (bass).
Named after a small Jamaican village, the sister duo Balaclava combines rhythm, melody and harmonious vocal landscapes. Their style on stage is infectious, the sisterhood a strong sign of sisterhood. Go!
Treasurer Fritz is 100% premium vinyl with no additives. Listening to him can lead to great hilarity and provoke spontaneous dance movements. Carefully selected hip hop, funk, reggae and world classics. Get excited?


Information about the event

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All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.
