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Dominic Deville OFF! Satire from the shadows

Do­mi­nic De­vil­le OFF! Sa­ti­re from the shadows

Wednesday, 11. September 2024

La Cappella, Bern

  • Stage

With OFF! Deville celebrates wildly
Stage comeback full of twists and turns until your own enlightenment. Zapping impossible!

After seven years of television frenzy
it's time for Dominic Deville to go into his inner réduit,
to draw a résumé. (You can see that he is serious about this
remember that the last sentence has two
Contains foreign words.) What interests a prize-winning
Zampano still like him?

And so Deville looks from the OFF, so to speak
out answers to questions that he never answered in front of the television cameras
dared to ask:

Is the federal siren test
the downfall of all of us?

When does the mean distance itself?
Recorder publicly from National Socialism?

And finally a bad suspicion:

Wasn't Lassie a smart dog?
but simply a lazy pig?


Information about the event

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All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.
