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ONLINE: colonial – Switzerland’s Global Entanglements

ON­LINE: co­lo­ni­al – Swit­z­er­land’s Glo­bal Ent­an­gle­ments

Monday, 16. September 2024

Landesmuseum Zürich, Zürich

Virtual tour of the exhibition with suggestions on working with students at secondary level I and above.

Virtual tour of the exhibition with suggestions on working with students at secondary level I and above. Hosted by the exhibition's curator Marina Amstad, and Pia Regli of the museum's education service.

This virtual tour will run on Zoom. On registering, participants will receive an individual access code.

Information about the event

Heads Up!

All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.