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Claudio Zuccolini - The excitement

Clau­dio Zuc­co­li­ni - The exci­te­ment

Wednesday, 23. October 2024

Kinotheater Madlen*, Heerbrugg

  • Stage

The new and 7th program Claudio Zuccolini comes from the intermediate generation X. He told this in his last and successful program DARUM. So today he is in an in-between age: He is no longer young, but not really old either. He still can't do a lot - and he doesn't want to do a lot anymore. But there's one thing he's really good at and getting better at: getting upset. That's how Zucco is in his new and seventh program THE EXCITEMENT.

What is he upset about? About big little things. About placemats or tattoos. About the dishwasher or cookbooks. Or simply about himself. As always, Zucco asks himself many questions and explains why he likes to gossip. About Kurt and Erika, for example. Because there are so many new things to tell about them!

The audience can lean back and, as always, laugh heartily about their everyday observations. Because when it comes to excitement, Claudio Zuccolini knows no in-between. He is THE EXCITER. Totally and again and again. And guaranteed sustainable!


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