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Children's book reading: Globi and the microbes

Child­ren's book rea­ding: Glo­bi and the mi­cro­bes

Wednesday, 4. September 2024

Bibliothek Zug, Zug

Dive together into the exciting world of bacteria and fungi. An emotionally charged reading for all senses for children aged 7 to 12.

Atlant Bieri, author of “Globi and the Microbes”, stops by the Zug library with his books and two microscopes. With them, he and the audience dive into the fantastic world of bacteria and fungi. He has collected various representatives of them on door handles, toilet seats or in the spaces between his toes and presents them on the canvas at 40x magnification. He also has some freshly tapped sewage water with him. At 100x magnification, you can take a diving trip inside it and get to know the most important community employee: the bell animal. It looks like a bouquet of flowers, but it's a real animal attached to a stem. Together with other little helpers, it cleans the wastewater. Microbes may be small, but they are not stupid. This is tested together by subjecting the slime molds to an intelligence test. It turns out that the little guys can even predict the future. In this interactive reading, the audience itself is shrunk to the size of microbes. In a small theater, the infection of a human cell with viruses is reenacted and you can see how the white blood cells chase the viruses away. This will be followed by a book sale and signing with the author. For children aged 7 to 12. The event is the final event of the Zug Reading Summer. After the event, the winners of the reading summer will be notified in writing and the prizes will be sent home.


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