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Cello masterclass concert

Cel­lo mas­ter­class con­cert

Saturday, 13. July 2024

Aula François-Xavier Bagnoud, Sion

  • Sounds

You are invited to the cello masterclass concert orchestrated by the talented students of A. Polo.

Inaugurated in 1952, the Tibor Varga Academy (AMTV) has welcomed an incredible number of students aspiring to perfect their skills in the art of their instrument under the supervision of respected and recognized masters of the profession.

Students from different regions of the globe have the opportunity to learn from the most renowned professors in their discipline, active in the most esteemed higher education schools in Europe. The masterclasses always conclude with a series of free concerts as well as concerts by the teachers themselves, as closing ceremonies.

These events offer the unique opportunity for AMTV students to show their talent to the general public and to introduce spectators to the future prodigies of the musical scene.


Information about the event

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All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.
