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A Profile for two

A Pro­fi­le for two

Friday, 26. July 2024

Sekundarschule Sandbänkli, Bischofszell

  • Film

Pierre (Pierre Richard) is a widower, a grumpy old man and hates all kinds of change. Day in, day out, he reminisces about the good old days and grows rare mold cultures in the fridge. To nudge the old man back into life, his daughter Sylvie sets him up with Alex, an unsuccessful writer and friend of her daughter. Alex is supposed to introduce Pierre to the fabulous world of the Internet. The unusual learning duo have a hard time getting used to it until Pierre stumbles across a dating portal. Thanks to the reassuring anonymity of the Internet, Pierre discovers himself to be a seducer and arranges to meet the young Flora - luckily he has Alex, who practically offers to bear the consequences. Alex, who is in great financial difficulties, accepts Pierre's immoral but excellently paid offer and goes to the date in Pierre's place. The fact that Flora falls head over heels in love throws the situation into a certain imbalance. Pierre is sure that his verbal seduction has awakened Flora's feelings. But Alex's kisses can't have been entirely innocent either. Above all, however, it is actually the two men who have been taken by storm by Flora and are now finally in the same boat, only the question of the captain still needs to be clarified...
Director: Stéphane Robelin
Film genre: Comedy Romance
Admission age / Recommended age: 10 (14)
Country of production: France / Germany / Belgium (2016)
Duration: 99'
Cast: Pierre Richard, Yaniss Lespert, Fanny Valette, Stéphanie Crayencour, Stéphane Bissot


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