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Northeastern Switzerland Yodelling Festival 2025 Altstätten
  • Culinary
  • Family
  • Sounds

Marktgasse, Altstätten

Nor­theas­tern Swit­z­er­land Yo­del­ling Fes­ti­val 2025 Alt­stät­ten

Fr. 4. July - Su. 6. July 2025

Yodelers, flag wavers, alphorn players and 35,000 visitors transform the pretty town of Altstätten into a festival location where conviviality and the cultivation of customs are the focus.

The Northeast Swiss Yodelling Festival will take place from July 4th to 6th, 2025 in the idyllic St.Gallen Rhine Valley to mark the 75th anniversary of the Altstätten Yodelling Club. The charming historic market town of Altstätten will become the venue for the second largest yodelling event in Switzerland. Around 3,000 active yodelers, flag wavers, alphorn and büchel players will perform. In addition to the betting lectures, the focus is on conviviality in the lovingly designed yodeling village, culinary delights and the maintenance of customs. On Saturday there will be a large craft and customs market. The highlight is Sunday with the ceremony in the morning and the big parade in the afternoon through the old town of Altstätten, ending in the yodeling village.
Let yourself be inspired by the fascination of this unique event centered around Swiss customs, Alpine traditions and folklore.


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