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Middle Ages on Lake Constance - Economic area between the Alps and the Rhine Falls

Museum zu Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen

Midd­le Ages on La­ke Con­stan­ce - Eco­no­mic area bet­ween the Alps and the Rhi­ne Falls

Th. 16. May - Su. 27. October 2024

The medieval world around Lake Constance and the Rhine.

In the Middle Ages, the area between the Alps, Lake Constance and the Rhine developed into a closely interwoven and important economic, transit and trading area. Cities sometimes joined together to form alliances, introduced a uniform currency system and formed hubs for regional and international trade.

A large part of the goods traffic in and out of this economic area was shipped via Lake Constance and the Rhine. Since the Rhine Falls were impassable for transport ships, the goods had to be loaded onto wagons in Schaffhausen, transported through the city to Neuhausen and shipped again below the Rhine Falls. Thanks to the associated customs revenue and other lucrative services, Schaffhausen became a wealthy city in the Middle Ages.


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