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Large breakfast buffet

Gasthaus Hulftegg, Mühlrüti

Lar­ge bre­ak­fast buf­fet

Fr. 22. January - Tu. 31. December 2030

Every Sunday morning (all year round) we have a very rich breakfast buffet from 8 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Enjoy fresh delicacies from near and far with a panoramic view of Toggenburg.

Our breakfast buffet offers the best price/performance ratio. A large selection of meat, cheese, bread, croissants, fruit, antipasti, yoghurt and much more awaits you. To be sure that we have a table free for you, please reserve in advance, Tel. 071 983 33 66, or via the contact form on the website. For children we have an outdoor playground as well as a trampoline and a bouncy castle under the roof.


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