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Guided rides with western horses on the Lindenberg

White Horse Ranch, Buttwil

Gui­ded ri­des with wes­tern hor­ses on the Lin­den­berg

Su. 12. May - Th. 31. December 2099

The trail ride takes about 2.5 hours each way. In the foreground is the harmony with the horses.

The trail ride takes about 2.5 hours each way. In the foreground is the harmony with the horses. The horses should be moved in a calm step in a relaxed and controlled way in the terrain. In this way, there is a kind of enjoyment of experiencing the landscape, nature, animals, forest, air, sun, horses and people.

Our target guests are people who love horses, nature lovers, western friends, families, clubs or groups who are also willing to train their skills and knowledge about horses in riding lessons so that the ride can be a pleasure.


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