
​​A Place to Be, Together  ​

Karl der Grosse, Zürich

​​A Place to Be, To­ge­ther ​

Samstag, 19. Oktober 2024

Vision board workshop by Holly Warren

Vision boards help us gain self-awareness and self-reflect on what is important to us. The topic of this workshop: New and old relationships.When you move to a new place it means that your old relationships will transform, and new relationships will appear. At this workshop you can explore what you want to focus on, which relationships better to let go, on which you should focus more and which awaits you in the future.Expotranskultur (ETKultur), an association dedicated to cultural bridging, brings immigrants and locals together through events that promote understanding.BemerkungIf you have any magazines that you would like to bring and to use at the event, feel free to grab them with you. This event will be held in English.KooperationIn cooperation with Expotranskultur 


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